Brownfields Research and Initiatives for Community Revitalization EASI is seeking organizations across the country to be involved in strengthening their communities through involving seniors in brownfields revitalization projects. Through EASI Ambassadors, learn how EASI SECs succeeded with brownfields projects, or read about successful projects through EASI's document, "Involving Senior Volunteers in Brownfields Programs: A Foundation for Successful Community Involvement, Case Studies in Success," a five-year research study made possible through support from the US EPA. There are a variety of ways that EASI volunteers can aid in the
revitalization of brownfields sites. Seniors can assist with research on
the historical uses of the site, they can conduct site audits and community
surveys, or they can build community support through innovative education and
outreach. When it comes time to find investors and creative reuse of a
site, they can help local governments attract investors and developers to sites
that are being redeveloped. By using the experience, expertise and local
acceptance of seniors, agencies have saved thousands of dollars and have been
able to expedite projects. For more information about EASI's Brownfields Program, or to receive a CD or hard copy of the research document, please contact EASI at [email protected] or at (540) 788-3274, and specify your choice of document.
Links - The comprehensive online resource for brownfields news and information, maintained by the International City/County Management Association. - Brownfields 2003
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